Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sharing Web Resources


Embracing the human future.
Exploring childhood today, creating new opportunities for childhood tomorrow.

On March 30, 2012, during the Global Summit on Childhood, ACEI and the Alliance for Childhood launched the 
Decade for Childhood, a 10-year initiative that provides 
opportunities for individuals and organizations 
to disseminate knowledge, consider best policies and practices, and support a global conversation about childhood.

Here are some articles from this section of the ACEI website:

The Decade for Childhood 2012-2022
The State of Childhood
Children Investing in Childhood
Goals of the Decade
Ten Pillars of a Good Childhood
All Pages

1 comment:

  1. Ashleigh.

    Thank you for sharing your resources! I think it is exciting to hear about collaborations across nations. I think when educators from different areas can talk and create policies for practices only good can happen.

